ANPA Meeting Minute Feb 17 2018

 ANPA Conference Meeting Minutes
Date: Saturday, Feb 17, 2018, 8:00 PM ET

Meeting created by:
Shree Krishna Bhattarai
Minute taker: CR Bhatta
Type of meeting:

Jagan Devkota and Shree Bhattarai

Attendees present:
1. Shree Bhattarai
6.    Lekhnath Adhikari
11. CR Bhatta
16. Hari Poudel
2. Jagan Devkota
7.    Gyanendra Bohora
12. Santosh KC
17.  Rudra Kafle
3. Pashupati Dhakal
8.    Nabin Malakar
13. Mukti Aryal
18. Sunita Humagain
4. Mohan Bhattarai
9.    Hari Khanal
14. Ganesh Chand
19. Amit Dongol
5. Maheshwor Ghimire
10. Dipak Rimal
15. Min Prasad Khanal
20. Nava Subedi

Agenda topics
  1. Organization registration

Registered in state of North Carolina on Jan 2018.
Presented by:
Shree Krishna Bhattarai
Registration completed.

  1. ANPA LOGO Designing

A logo (see the top left corner of this page) was designed by the logo design committee and posted to the big Messenger group.
Presented by:
Shree Krishna Bhattarai on behalf of logo designing committee
Suggestions collected. Most suggestions were for minor edits.
Logo design group will work on it.

  1. Constitution/By-Laws formatting
A primary draft was prepared by the drafting committee and posted to the big Messenger group for suggestions.
Presented by:
Shree Krishna Bhattarai
The draft was accepted in general. Couple of potential alternatives were brought into discussion: possibility of adding Board of Directors and restructuring the Executive committee. Suggestions were made
        to study on other organizations’ practices and need of fair and balanced criteria to become the board members.
        to be careful, it may bring complications.
Drafting committee will work on the suggestions and recommend any possibility/requirement of editing the current draft.

  1. Membership fee determination
Membership fee scheme was proposed.
Presented by:
Shree Krishna Bhattarai on behalf of membership fee determination committee.
Membership fee will be
For students: Annual $10, Monthly $1
Non-Students (Regular): Annual $20, Monthly $2
Life Membership: Flat fee $200.
Agreed for yearly one-time fee, no monthly recurring fee.
Membership fee will be
For students: Annual $10
Non-Students (Regular): Annual $20
Life Membership: Flat fee $200

  1. Web page designing
A preliminary version of ANPA web page has been prepared by web page designing committee.
Presented by:
Nabin Malakar
Suggestions about the name of website were collected. received the highest preference among the suggestions.
Conclusion: has been selected as suggested, and registered. Web page is ready and designing committee will continue working on improving the design and content.

  1. APS March Meeting Coordination
Santosh K.C. is collecting names of APS meeting-2018 attendees
Presented by:
Santosh K.C.
Clear agenda will be needed to discuss at APS Meeting.
Agenda will be finalized by Ad-Hoc committee. Click here to signup.

  1. Formation of Ad-Hoc Committee
Formation of Ad-Hoc Committee was proposed.
Presented by:
Jagan Devkota, Facilitator
All attendees discussed and agreed on the proposal of creating an Ad-Hoc committee.   
Form an Ad-Hoc committee consisting of a ‘Coordinator’ and Ad-Hoc members as needy basis.
Leave the number of the Ad-Hoc members open to add any interested individuals based on their interest to serve and requirement to complete the assigned task in timely manner.

Ad-Hoc Committee:
Coordinator: Dr. Shree Krishna Bhattarai
  1. Dr. Jagan Devkota
  2. Dr. Pashupati Dhakal
  3. Mr. Mohan Bhattarai
  4. Mr. Maheshwor Ghimire
  5. Dr. Lekhnath Adhikari
  6. Mr. Gyanendra Bohara
  7. Dr. Nabin Malakar
  8. Dr. Hari Khanal
  9. Dr. Dipak Rimal
  10. Dr. CR Bhatta
  11. Dr. Santosh KC
  12. Dr. Mukti Aryal
  13. Dr. Ganesh Chand
  14. Mr. Min Prasad Khanal
  15. Dr. Hari Paudel
  16. Dr. Rudra Kafle
  17. Ms. Sunita Humagain
  18. Dr. Amit Dangol
  19. Dr. Nava Subedi
  20. Dr. Bhoj Raj Gautam
  21. Dr. Kamal Kadel
  22. Dr. Chooda Mani Khanal
  23. Dr. Upen Rizal

  1. ANPA Bank account opening
ANPA Bank account is essential to proceed membership enrollment.
Presented by:
Jagan Devkota, Facilitator
All the attendees agreed to open an ANPA bank account.
ANPA Bank account will be opened in the name of Ad-Hoc committee coordinator Dr. Shree Krishna Bhattarai as a primary account holder and an another Ad-Hoc committee member. The coordinator will work on it.

Minutes prepared by: CR Bhatta
Minutes approved by:
(Signature & Date)
Shree K Bhattarai    2/20/2018

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