National Innovation Center: Past, Present and Future" by Mahabir Pun.

You are invited to an e-conference by Mahabir Pun on, "National Innovation Center: Past, Present, and Future". 
Please join us by WebEx on
Saturday, September 8th - 2018, 10 AM Central

“A Ramon Magsaysay award winner of 2007, Mahabir Pun, is an icon of social workers. He has been nationally recognized for his attempt on uplifting impoverished villages with information technology, inspiring Nepali youths and other several humanitarian works. Lately, he is deeply involved in the National Innovation Center (NIC), a non-profit, which he established in 2012 to provide platforms for youths with opportunities in science and technology. In this presentation, he will surf around NIC’s progress and other important updates, and also show some models of the concept papers that are currently being executed with the support of NIC. Overall, his presentation will focus on the past, present, and future of NIC.”

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