ANPA Monthly Talk Series: Prof. Dr. Binil Aryal

Future of Astronomy and Physical Cosmology:
Nobel Prize in Physics 2019

Date & Time:
Monday Nov 4th, 8:00 AM  (Nepal)
Sunday Nov 3rd, 9:00 PM EST, USA)


A big part of the history of the development of cosmology and astronomy has been the art of choosing useful working hypotheses. Astronomy and cosmology have a substantial observational and theoretical basis, but our standard model still depends on some working assumptions. I will try to explain the nature of the issues behind these assumptions, the guidance we might find from past resolutions of such issues, and the models we need to consider for the future of research in this subject. My talk will be mostly dedicated to Peebles's contribution to understand the evolution of the Universe. In addition, I will briefly note the importance and new techniques to explore habitable zone (exoplanets, etc.) in the observable universe.

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